Be certain that your products are absolutely sound

More than 150 million tons of seamless and welded tubes and pipes are produced annually and used in many industries. The product range is very broad and diverse. In the manufacturing process, there are numerous challenges related to material selection, quality and dimensional control, environmental regulations and conditions, costs, and process efficiency. Compliance with technical regulations and standards, product safety, sustainability and competitive advantage are the main reasons for using non-destructive testing like ours.

Our solutions for Tubes & Pipes

Quality control and efficiency

Tubes and pipes must withstand extreme pressure and temperatures. To ensure safety, even minimal inaccuracies in the material must be detected during the tube and pipe production process. It can be a challenge to ensure that your products meet customer requirements and industry standards. Quality control therefore involves inspections and testing at various stages of the production process, which can be complex, time-consuming and expensive. With automated and integrated NDT solutions, you can inspect your material quickly and efficiently.

Rosenxt - stacked pipelines


Environmental regulations and sustainability considerations are becoming increasingly important in tube and pipe manufacturing. As a manufacturer, you must ensure that your production processes are environmentally responsible, comply with the relevant and increasing regulations, and protect people and nature.

Rosenxt - Ispection of Offshore Pipelines with our AUVs is an important part of our Subsea Business Line

Cost savings

By identifying defects early in the production process, you can avoid costly replacements and complaints. Non-destructive testing can also help identify process issues during the manufacturing process and improve parameters accordingly to avoid scrap or waste.

Rosenxt - Cost and Quality control as key at Rosenxt

Regulations & Compliance

API 5L and API 5CT are two important standards developed by the American Petroleum Institute for the manufacture of steel pipes and tubes used in the oil and gas industry. API 5L specifies the requirements for seamless and welded pipes for use in pipeline transportation systems, while API 5CT specifies the requirements for appropriate casing and tubing pipes for drilling and production operations.

The American Society for Testing and Materials develops and publishes consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services. Some of the relevant standards for tube testing include standards such as ASTM E213, E243, or E273 for ultrasound or electromagnetic testing of metal pipes and tubes or the weld zone of welded pipes and tubes.