Rosenxt donates over €6,000 to charitable organizations
Company supports inclusion, joie de vivre and families in difficult times
Lingen, January 21, 2025 – Inclusion in sports, laughter in the hospital and helping seriously ill children – donations were collected for these causes at the Rosenxt Christmas party in Lingen. A total of more than 6,000 euros was raised, which has now been donated to three organizations in the Emsland region.
“Rosenxt is a company that relies on technology, progress and innovation. However, we also want to give something back to society. That is why this year's Christmas donation is going to three organizations in the Emsland region that are committed to social causes,” reports Dirk von Vinckenroye, General Manager of Rosenxt. “At our Christmas party in December 2024, colleagues had the opportunity to distribute the donations among the individual associations and thus do something good according to their individual wishes.” A total of €6,100 will be donated to three organizations.
One donation goes to the Löwenherz Children's Hospice. The outpatient children's hospice base supports families with terminally ill children in Lingen and the surrounding region. Rosenxt's donation of €3,400 will support the mostly voluntary work of helping families with a child suffering from a life-shortening or life-threatening illness. The free services offered to families provide valuable support and help to make everyday life a little easier.
Theaterklink and Indus as further recipients of donations
The 'Theaterklinik Lingen' is a cooperation project of the Institute for Theater Pedagogy of the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück and the Bonifatius Hospital Lingen. Students of the institute visit the patients in the hospital and provide encouragement, laughter, distraction and fun to push the illness and the hospital into the background. The Rosenxt donation of €1,200 will help to provide care both on the children's ward and for elderly people in geriatric day care.
The third donation goes to the KreisSportBund Emsland (KSB) e.V. with its Emsland-wide project Indus – Inclusion through Sport in Emsland. In cooperation with the three major institutions in Emsland that provide care for the disabled, Indus supports the inclusion of people with and without disabilities through sports. Rosenxt is supporting active participation in sports clubs in Emsland, be it football, gymnastics and exercise, handball, rowing or table tennis, with a donation of €1,500.
“We are very grateful that organizations such as the Theaterklink, the KSB with Indus and the children's hospice exist. Their work is an important part of our society and strengthens our daily lives together. With our donation, we can do our small part to ensure that their work continues in the future,” summarizes van Vinkenroye.